Spiritual Formation and Service Ministry

Christian Service Ministry is required of all students enrolled in the College throughout their program.


Each student will identify an area of Christian ministry that aligns with their perceived calling as well as their skill or talent level and personal interests and invest four (4) hours per week in that area of ministry.


Christian service ministry is also to be recognized as the practical utilization of theology, i.e., “applied theology” when students actually “apply” classroom teaching(s) with faculty. There will be monthly meetings with a faculty member to review the student’s ministry activities, integration of classroom instruction, and its practical application. These sessions will include discussions on the plans, progress, and problems of the student’s ministry and identify multiple insights for various approaches to utilize classroom instruction. An integral part of this component is to evaluate the student’s understanding and application of the learning objectives of the college to Christian ministry and validate individual ministerial effectiveness and personal growth.


Spiritual Formation is incorporated in the Christian Service Ministry group meetings and addresses major elements of ministerial life.


Topics include worship, prayer, meditation, obedience, praise, fasting, stewardship, humility, discipleship, surrender, wellness, and family. The topics incorporated in the sessions are areas of Christian living that those in ministry will recognize as essential elements in the lives of those they serve. Also, all of these topics are incorporated into the units of instruction that will be addressed by teachers throughout the term.

Christian Ministry Service Requirement Policy

All students who are enrolled in Guido Bible College as full-time students are required to be active in a ministry. Below are the requirements.

• Ministry should be consistent with student’s calling and program of study.


• Students will invest a minimum of 2-3 hours per week in ministry activity.


• Ministry activities may include:


a. Preaching
b. Teaching
c. Personal witnessing
d. Mentoring/discipling others
e. Musical programs
f. Other church or mission related programs

• Students are required to submit a service summary report the first Thursday of each month, detailing:


a. Activity performed
b. Location (church, town, organization)
c. Responsibilities
d. Supervisor (name of person who coordinated the activity – it may be the student himself/herself)
e. Hours worked (at least 2)
f. Written summary of activities (100-150 words)
g. Written summary of lessons learned through service (75-100 words)


• Students are accountable to their Christian Service Supervisor. This mentoring relationship provides an ongoing opportunity for the student to practice what is being studied and benefit from the experience of their Christian Service Supervisor.

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