“Being good enough” is the greatest enemy of “being the very best.” “Being good” implies living a life of compromise and complacency, giving in and giving up, being easily satisfied, and seeking safety and security. “Being the very best” implies living a life of courage and commitment, growing up and growing in significance, being purposeful and intentional, taking risks and rising to the occasion, living a disciplined life, and being devoted to a cause that makes a difference. After all is said and done, what matters most is, really, what matters most.
At Guido Bible College we focus on what matters most: our deep commitment to Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. He alone is worthy of all worship and to exalt Him and honor Him and glorify His Father we emphasize three equal but separate components in our program of instruction: Scripture, Studies, and Service. They are the foundation and focus of all we do and what we want our students to do. They are the very fabric of our community and the glue that keeps us centered on Christ.
What matters at Guido Bible College? Scripture – the Word of God: inspired, infallible, inerrant, and eternal. It is the foundation of all that we teach and the reason for what we do. It is the source of our biblical worldview and the standard and measure for our Statement of Faith and the heart of our curriculum. Without compromise or question, we accept the authority of Scripture as pivotal for all we believe, teach, and do. It is our source of strength and service, living and loving, leading and learning, being and behaving. We are committed to training men and women for Christian ministry and service who worship God, know God’s Word, love God’s people, and share God’s message. “All Scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness,” said the Apostle Paul. For this very reason, the journey to Christian ministry and service begins with discernment – correctly understanding, interpreting, and applying the message and intended meaning of the Word of God for the redemption and reconciliation of all of God’s creation.
What matters at Guido Bible College? Studies – that lead to growth and insight, knowledge and wisdom, understanding and application of the Word of God that leads to spiritual growth, personal development, and ministerial effectiveness. One may discern the truth correctly and apply it appropriately, but unless there is constant, personal, spiritual growth that enables one to develop into the likeness of Christ, learning becomes self-centered and self-focused and is an end in itself. Unless ministers of the Gospel constantly refine and develop their gifts and talents, skills and abilities, they will be content and satisfied with what is and not what can be through God’s grace and guidance. “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and one who rightly handles the Word of truth” was the challenge of an elder saint to a young servant.
What matters at Guido Bible College? Submission – our unequivocal, unambitious, and unrelenting commitment to the words and way of Jesus: “If anyone wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take u po your cross, and follow me.” Followership is a journey that begins with Jesus Christ becoming Savior and Lord of our lives. It is a conscious, continual, and consequential quest that is deliberate and requires that, as “followers of the way,” we must not let anything get in “the way” of our “taking up our cross” and living a life like Jesus – devoted to doing His Father’s will. It means seeing the world through the eyes of Jesus and responding to the needs of people without considering the cost or consequences, the pain or peril, of a sacrificial, serving, and self-denying lifestyle. It is a God-directed life that finds fulfillment and purpose, meaning and satisfaction in knowing that “what I do is what God would have me to do” no matter what it will cost me.
What matters at Guido Bible College? Service – our faculty and students are committed to serving the Lord through the local church. Many are full-time and bi-vocational pastors, associate pastors, youth leaders, and teachers as well as lay leaders in the churches they represent. Our program of studies includes a mandatory Christian service ministry that requires all students to be involved in ministry, to keep a record of their service which becomes a part of their permanent transcript and is required for graduation. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations…and surely I am with you always.”
What matters most, however, at Guido Bible College? Jesus Christ. It is in Him, with Him, through Him, to Him, and for Him that we exist. Simply stated, “It’s all about Him!”
Jesus Christ is the clearest revelation and most definitive statement of God’s message of love, grace, mercy, salvation, hope, and eternal life for the world and especially for us, His followers. He is the object of our affection, the passion of devotion and our only motivation for what we do: “So that in everything He will have the preeminence.”
We invite you to become a part of us as we study to share His love, grace, mercy, salvation and hope with the world.
Lawrence C. Guido, Th.M., Ph.D.
President Guido Bible College